Thanks Mr. Purple.
Yes, it may just take too much explanation.
Miniboes, Bobo, up for editing that bit out? I think it's just a couple sentences.
Should we make a piece on cholesterol first?
miniboes wrote:
Mr. Purple wrote:What do you think about supplementation, and should it be mentioned or tacked onto a list somewhere during the audio in the spirit of honesty?
It should be, if we were giving dietary advice. That's not what we're doing though. Moreover, B12 is not even relevant to the issue of whether or not you need meat, because most people that eat meat do not get enough B12 either. Everyone should be supplementing B12.
Right, this isn't a diet advice video. Hopefully TVA will make that one soon.
Since B-12 supplements are available, there's no reason to believe meat is health promoting relative to the alternatives.
If B-12 were not available, people might be well advised to eat oysters, or small amounts of liver.
Like miniboes said, many carnists don't get enough B-12 (not sure about most, it also depends on age and digestion), since there's not really much B-12 in meat (there IS quite a bit in liver).
Wild animals mainly get B-12 from coprophagia, including other primates, like monkeys and fellow great apes.