PsYcHo wrote: Unknown, at first glance I assumed you said theism, and admittedly I know little of deism.
brimstoneSalad was writing to you at the same time i was responding..and he explained as well about deism, so i was thinking you have a clear mind about it, since he knows these topics very well.
PsYcHo wrote: extraterrestrial intelligence is not beyond what I would consider possible, (mathematically it is almost a certainty.) But I do not want to be grouped among those who believe tin-foil hats will prevent the star children from absorbing their thoughts.
There is a difference if you take in a side for the scientific community which in fact does admit the possibilty for it, As long as you are not engaging with pseudo-nonsense (
channeling) There are persons who say they are aliens or that they talk to there is some difference there and its not a case for you when you talk about extraterrestrial my case when i talk about it, i know that i am not a tin foil hat persona.
PsYcHo wrote: i would not see them as Omnipotent. Thus my contention that as an Agnostic, I hold no loyalty to any "Creator", but even if the Christian were correct, and their (Multiple-versions) of God did exist, the bull-shit excuse of "I have always been, and always will be", still does not address the issue of "Well O.k., You are obviously God. How did you get here?!"
Me neither. Those cannot be correct for a number of reasons that were well expressed by Sam Harris stating ”that it may be the case for a malevolent entity or impotent” So the bible god cannot be true. I still think that we might be a giant experiment, it could very well be a neutral being with an unknown purpose to us.
As a deist i am often confused with an atheist while debating abrahamic religions...mostly christians where i am raising the following issues
1. The loving god, created eternal hell as punishment, send himself to sacrifice in order to save mankind (from himself)
2. The sacrifice is not valid since it implies ressurrection...because a true sacrifice is when you are dead for a cause.
3. No finite crime deserves eternal punishment when we talk about morality aspect.
The later argument can be explain if its made of energy. Our *bubbled*expanded universe bahaves just like a closed system, and according to the laws of thermodynamics, energy has no beginning or end. So that might explain it. there is no concept of time when we are talking about a being beyond our understanding.
Some deists fall in the
pandeism, panendeism or pantheism labels which express that the creator might be unaware, unconscious, or the universe itself. All of those are still under the umbrella of deism.
PsYcHo wrote: (I get a little passionate about this topic, but even sentences punctuated with an exclamation are only to express my sincere frustration at the inability to prove it either way. Please understand I am not being angry, just passionate, and I thoroughly welcome rebuttals and differing views!)
I did not think you were angry for a second...i as well love these topics, and after watching fully TVA which is very reasonable convinced me to come at this forum. I think that where is variery and diversity, one can learn a lot of things, and now after some time that i spent in this place i am sure of this and gratefull for it.
Only one thing is certain...the fact that within matter itself, we are made of the same energy as a rock in a volcano..makes me say that we are indeed living in an incredible universe.