Affirmative Action in Education

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Affirmative Action in Education

Post by teo123 »

What do you guys here think about affirmative action in education? The usual argument the conservatives are using against affirmative action in education, which I used to buy into a few years ago, is that it puts minority students into academic standards they are not ready for and makes them more likely to drop out. But, like I've explained here, I think the hidden premise is that there is a strong correlation between how well a student does in high school and on the maturity test and how well he/she will do at the university. And I am a living proof that's not the case, I was the best student at my high school, and I scored 93% at the math part of the maturity test and 97% at the informatics part of the maturity test, yet I am doing horribly at the university. Math at the maturity test has basically nothing to do with the math at the university, and the same goes for informatics.
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