Anyone here made their own programming language?
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
Today, I have implemented the Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion in my programming language:
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
What do you think, what is the easiest way to implement the special cases of the Hurwitz algorithm, that is, when one or more elements in a row of a matrix are zero?
The core of my program is this:
What should be done at the place of TODO, instead of returning an error code? Neso Academy video presents two ways of dealing with that, none of which seem easy to program.
The core of my program is this:
Code: Select all
Function popuni_matricu() Which Returns Integer16 Does
Integer16 broj_stupaca :=
(stupanj_polinoma + 1) / 2 + mod(stupanj_polinoma + 1, 2),
broj_redaka := stupanj_polinoma + 1;
Integer16 i := 0;
//Popunimo matricu prvo not-a-numbersima...
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
matrica[f(i, j)] := 0. / 0.;
j += 1;
i += 1;
//Zatim idemo primjeniti Hurwitzov algoritam...
i := 0;
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
If i = 0 Then // Prvi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := polinom[j * 2];
ElseIf i = 1 Then // Drugi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := (j * 2 + 1 < stupanj_polinoma + 1) ?
polinom[j * 2 + 1] :
Else // Ostali reci...
If matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] = 0 Then
//TODO: Implementirati što se radi u posebnim slučajevima...
Return 0;
matrica[f(i, j)] := (matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 2, j + 1)] : 0) -
(matrica[f(i - 2, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 1, j + 1)] : 0))) /
matrica[f(i - 1 , 0)];
j += 1;
i += 1;
If matrica[f(broj_redaka - 1, 0)] = polinom[stupanj_polinoma] Then
Return 1;
Return 0;
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
With the help from people from, I have modified the core of my program like this:
It seems to work so far for the 1st special case of the Hurwitz'es Criterion (when there is a zero in the first column of the matrix, but there is no row of zeros).
So, we can focus on my second question: How can I solve the preparation for the laboratory exercise that is asking to calculate the range (interval) of gain for which the system will be stable using both the Hurwitz'es Criterion and the Bode's Criterion? Neither the Hurwitz'es Criterion nor the Bode's Criterion give us ranges. Hurwitz'es Criterion gives us the number of poles on the right-hand-side of the imaginary axis, which is always zero for stable systems. Bode's Criterion gives us, for stable systems, the Amplitude Security and Phase Security. Can you somehow calculate the range of gain for which the system is stable using Amplitude Security and Phase Security? I don't know.
Code: Select all
Function obrni_polinom() Which Returns Nothing Is Declared;
Function f(Integer16 i, Integer16 j) Which Returns Integer16 Does
// Za pretvaranje indeksa dvodimenzionalnog polja u indeks jednodimenzionalnog
// polja. Kada u svoj AEC compiler još nisam implementirao dvodimenzionalna
// polja...
Return 20 * i + j;
Function popuni_matricu() Which Returns Integer16 Does
Integer16 broj_stupaca :=
(stupanj_polinoma + 1) / 2 + mod(stupanj_polinoma + 1, 2),
broj_redaka := stupanj_polinoma + 1;
Integer16 i := 0;
//Popunimo matricu prvo not-a-numbersima...
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
matrica[f(i, j)] := 0. / 0.;
j += 1;
i += 1;
//Zatim idemo primjeniti Hurwitzov algoritam...
i := 0;
While i < broj_redaka Loop
Integer16 j := 0;
While j < broj_stupaca Loop
If i = 0 Then // Prvi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := polinom[j * 2];
ElseIf i = 1 Then // Drugi redak
matrica[f(i, j)] := (j * 2 + 1 < stupanj_polinoma + 1) ?
polinom[j * 2 + 1] :
Else // Ostali reci...
If matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] = 0 Then // Posebni slučajevi, kada se u prvom
// stupcu matrice pojavi nula.
If jesmo_li_obrnuli_polinom Then // Obrtanje polinoma nije "upalilo".
Return 0;
Else // Možda obrtanje polinoma "upali"...
obrni_polinom(); //
jesmo_li_obrnuli_polinom := 1;
Return popuni_matricu();
matrica[f(i, j)] := (matrica[f(i - 1, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 2, j + 1)] : 0) -
(matrica[f(i - 2, 0)] *
(j + 1 < broj_stupaca ?
matrica[f(i - 1, j + 1)] : 0))) /
matrica[f(i - 1 , 0)];
j += 1;
i += 1;
If matrica[f(broj_redaka - 1, 0)] = polinom[stupanj_polinoma] Then
Return 1;
Return 0;
Function broj_korijena_u_desnoj_poluravnini() Which Returns Integer16 Does
Integer16 i := 1, brojac := 0;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
brojac += not(signum(matrica[f(i, 0)]) = signum(matrica[f(i - 1, 0)]));
i += 1;
Return brojac;
Function obrni_polinom() Which Returns Nothing Does
Decimal64 pomocni_polinom[20];
Integer16 i := 0, j := stupanj_polinoma;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
pomocni_polinom[i] := polinom[j];
i += 1;
j -= 1;
i := 0;
While i < stupanj_polinoma + 1 Loop
polinom[i] := pomocni_polinom[i];
i += 1;
So, we can focus on my second question: How can I solve the preparation for the laboratory exercise that is asking to calculate the range (interval) of gain for which the system will be stable using both the Hurwitz'es Criterion and the Bode's Criterion? Neither the Hurwitz'es Criterion nor the Bode's Criterion give us ranges. Hurwitz'es Criterion gives us the number of poles on the right-hand-side of the imaginary axis, which is always zero for stable systems. Bode's Criterion gives us, for stable systems, the Amplitude Security and Phase Security. Can you somehow calculate the range of gain for which the system is stable using Amplitude Security and Phase Security? I don't know.
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
Thanks to the StackExchange user kaya3, today, I discovered and fixed two bugs in my AEC-to-WebAssembly compiler (one in the semantic analyzer and one in the core of the compiler): ... /issues/19
Before the fix, a program that attempts to use structures of two different types as the second and the third operand of the ternary conditional `?:` operator (which is never valid):
Made my compiler crash with the following error message:
Truly an absurd (not helpful at all) error message, right? It took me hours to figure out what is actually going on in my compiler (which is not very surprising, considering I wrote the core of it three years ago).
Before the fix, a program that attempts to use structures of two different types as the second and the third operand of the ternary conditional `?:` operator (which is never valid):
Code: Select all
Structure First Consists Of
Structure Second Consists Of
Function main(Integer32 a, Integer32 b) Which Returns Nothing Does
InstantiateStructure First firstStructure;
InstantiateStructure Second secondStructure;
InstantiateStructure Second thirdStructure := (a > b) ? firstStructure : secondStructure;
Code: Select all
Running the tests...
All the tests passed in 4 milliseconds.
Reading the file "debug.aec"...
All characters read in 0 milliseconds.
Tokenizing the program...
Finished tokenizing the program in 0 milliseconds.
I have made a forum thread about how to speed up the tokenizer,
in case you are interested:
Parsing the program...
Finished parsing the program in 0 milliseconds.
Compiling the program...
Line 10, Column 29, Internal compiler error: Some part of the compiler attempted to compile an array with size less than 1, which doesn't make sense. Throwing an exception!
Internal compiler error: Uncaught exception in the compiler: St13runtime_error: Compiling an array of negative size!
If you have time, please report this to me on GitHub as an issue:
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
I started a thread on Programming Languages StackExchange as to why most programming languages use the same token for `EndIf`, `EndWhile`, `EndFunction` and `EndStructure`, and that question received many upvotes:
- Master of the Forum
- Posts: 1449
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
Today, I ported my N Queens Puzzle program ( ) from the WebAssembly dialect of AEC to the x86 dialect of AEC.
Here is that program in the WebAssembly dialect:
Here is its port to x86:
I've run into a problem that Windows Defender thinks that the executable file of my x86 N Queens Puzzle program is a trojan.
Here is that program in the WebAssembly dialect:
Code: Select all
* My solution to the n-queens puzzle, one of the classical problems of the
* structural programming. It asks in how many ways you can arrange n chess
* queens on an n-times-n chessboard without breaking the rules that no two
* chess queens can be in the same row, column or diagonal.
// Import some functions we need to communicate with the outside world from
// JavaScript...
Function printString(PointerToCharacter str)
Which Returns Nothing Is External;
Function clearScreen() Which Returns Nothing Is External;
Function shouldWePrintChessBoards() Which Returns Integer32 Is External;
// Declare the "Queen" structure and write relevant functions.
Structure Queen Consists Of
Integer32 row, column;
Function areQueensInTheSameColumn(PointerToQueen first, PointerToQueen second)
Which Returns Integer32 Does
Return first->column = second->column;
Function areQueensInTheSameRow(PointerToQueen first, PointerToQueen second)
Which Returns Integer32 Does
Return first->row = second->row;
Function areQueensOnTheSameDiagonal(PointerToQueen first,
PointerToQueen second)
Which Returns Integer32 Does
Return first->row + first->column = second->row + second->column or
first->row - first->column = second->row - second->column;
Function areQueensAttackingEachOther(PointerToQueen first,
PointerToQueen second)
Which Returns Integer32 Does
Return areQueensInTheSameRow(first, second) or
areQueensInTheSameColumn(first, second) or
areQueensOnTheSameDiagonal(first, second);
// Let's write a structure representing an array of queens...
Structure ChessBoard Consists Of
Integer32 length;
Queen queens[12]; // There are too many solutions for over 12 queens.
Function chessBoardContainsThatQueen(PointerToChessBoard chessBoard,
PointerToQueen queen)
Which Returns Integer32 Does
Integer32 i := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
If chessBoard->queens[i].column = queen->column and
chessBoard->queens[i].row = queen->row Then
Return 1;
i += 1;
Return 0;
// Now, let's forward-declare the functions we will write later.
// Putting them here would make the code less legible.
Function recursiveFunction(PointerToChessBoard chessBoard,
Integer32 n) Which Returns Integer32 Is Declared;
Function convertIntegerToString(PointerToCharacter str,
Integer32 n)
Which Returns Nothing Is Declared;
Function strcat(PointerToCharacter dest,
PointerToCharacter src) Which Returns Nothing Is Declared;
Function strlen(PointerToCharacter str) Which Returns Integer32 Is Declared;
// Let's write the function that JavaScript is supposed to call...
Function nQueensPuzzle(Integer32 n) Which Returns Integer32 Does
If n < 1 or n > 12 Then
printString("Please enter a number between 1 and 12!");
Return -1;
InstantiateStructure ChessBoard chessBoard;
Character stringToBePrinted[64] := {0};
PointerToCharacter stringToBePrinted := AddressOf(stringToBePrinted[0]);
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "Solving the n-queens puzzle for ");
convertIntegerToString(stringToBePrinted + strlen(stringToBePrinted),
Integer32 result := recursiveFunction(AddressOf(chessBoard), n);
stringToBePrinted[0] := 0;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "Found ");
convertIntegerToString(stringToBePrinted + strlen(stringToBePrinted),
strcat(stringToBePrinted, " solutions!");
Return result;
// I guess moving this code out of "recursiveFunction" makes the
// code more legible.
Function printAsASolution(PointerToChessBoard chessBoard)
Which Returns Nothing Does
Character stringToBePrinted[64] := {0};
Character stringToBeAdded[8];
Integer32 i := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
stringToBeAdded[0] := 'A' + chessBoard->queens[i].column;
chessBoard->queens[i].row + 1);
strcat(AddressOf(stringToBeAdded[0]), " ");
i += 1;
strcat(AddressOf(stringToBePrinted[0]), "\n");
If shouldWePrintChessBoards() Then
stringToBePrinted[0] := 0;
PointerToCharacter stringToBePrinted := AddressOf(stringToBePrinted[0]);
strcat(stringToBePrinted, " +");
i := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "-+");
i += 1;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "\n");
i := chessBoard->length;
While i > 0 Loop
stringToBePrinted[0] := 0;
// Align the row numbers to the right.
If i < 10 Then
strcat(stringToBePrinted, " ");
convertIntegerToString(stringToBePrinted + strlen(stringToBePrinted), i);
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "|");
Integer32 j := 0;
While j < chessBoard->length Loop
InstantiateStructure Queen newQueen;
newQueen.column := j;
newQueen.row := i - 1;
chessBoardContainsThatQueen(chessBoard, AddressOf(newQueen))?
mod(i + j - 1, 2)?
" |": // White field.
"*|" // Black field.
j += 1;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "\n");
stringToBePrinted[0] := 0;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, " +");
j := 0;
While j < chessBoard->length Loop
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "-+");
j += 1;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "\n");
i -= 1;
stringToBePrinted[0] := 0;
PointerToCharacter stringToBeAdded := AddressOf(stringToBeAdded[0]);
stringToBeAdded[2] := 0;
stringToBeAdded[0] := ' ';
strcat(stringToBePrinted, " ");
i := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
stringToBeAdded[1] := 'A' + i;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, stringToBeAdded);
i += 1;
strcat(stringToBePrinted, "\n");
// Now, let's implement the brute-force algorithm.
Function recursiveFunction(PointerToChessBoard chessBoard,
Integer32 n) Which Returns Integer32 Does
// First, do some sanity checks useful for debugging...
If chessBoard->length > n Then
printString("Bug: Chessboard length too large!");
Return 0;
Integer32 i := 0, j := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
If chessBoard->queens[i].column < 0 or
chessBoard->queens[i].row < 0 or
chessBoard->queens[i].column > n or
chessBoard->queens[i].row > n Then
printString("Bug: Corrupt chessboard!");
Return 0;
i += 1;
// Check if there is a contradiction (queens attacking
// each other) in what we have thus far...
i := j := 0;
While i < chessBoard->length Loop
j := i + 1;
While j < chessBoard->length Loop
If not(i = j) and areQueensAttackingEachOther(
) Then
Return 0;
j += 1;
i += 1;
// Check if this is a solution...
If chessBoard->length = n Then
Return 1;
// If this is not a complete solution, but there are no contradictions
// in it, branch the recursion into searching for complete solutions
// based on this one.
Integer32 result := 0;
i := 0;
While i<n Loop
InstantiateStructure ChessBoard newChessBoard := ValueAt(chessBoard);
newChessBoard.length += 1;
newChessBoard.queens[chessBoard->length].column := chessBoard->length;
newChessBoard.queens[chessBoard->length].row := i;
result += recursiveFunction(AddressOf(newChessBoard), n);
i += 1;
Return result;
// Now go the helper functions related to string manipulation,
// copied from the Dragon Curve program. They are named the same
// as the corresponding functions in the standard C library.
Function strlen(PointerToCharacter str) Which Returns Integer32 Does
Integer32 length := 0;
While ValueAt(str + length) Loop
length := length + 1;
Return length;
Function strcpy(PointerToCharacter dest,
PointerToCharacter src) Which Returns Nothing Does
While ValueAt(src) Loop
ValueAt(dest) := ValueAt(src);
dest := dest + 1;
src := src + 1;
ValueAt(dest) := 0;
Function strcat(PointerToCharacter dest,
PointerToCharacter src) Which Returns Nothing Does
strcpy(dest + strlen(dest), src);
Function reverseString(PointerToCharacter string) Which Returns Nothing Does
PointerToCharacter pointerToLastCharacter := string + strlen(string) - 1;
While pointerToLastCharacter - string > 0 Loop
Character tmp := ValueAt(string);
ValueAt(string) := ValueAt(pointerToLastCharacter);
ValueAt(pointerToLastCharacter) := tmp;
string := string + 1;
pointerToLastCharacter := pointerToLastCharacter - 1;
Function convertIntegerToString(PointerToCharacter string,
Integer32 number)
Which Returns Nothing Does
Integer32 isNumberNegative := 0;
If number < 0 Then
number := -number;
isNumberNegative := 1;
Integer32 i := 0;
While number > 9 Loop
ValueAt(string + i) := '0' + mod(number, 10);
number := number / 10;
i := i + 1;
ValueAt(string + i) := '0' + number;
i := i + 1;
If isNumberNegative Then
ValueAt(string + i) := '-';
i := i + 1;
ValueAt(string + i) := 0;
Code: Select all
;A very advanced example: Solving the n-Queens Puzzle.
macro pushIntegerToTheSystemStack x
sub esp,4
fld dword [x]
fistp dword [esp]
macro pushPointerToTheSystemStack x
sub esp,4
lea ebx,[x]
mov [esp],ebx
macro pushStringToTheSystemStack x
sub esp,4
mov dword [esp],x
format PE console
entry start
include ''
section '.text' code executable
enterTheNumberString <= "Enter the number of queens.", 10, 0
floatSign <= "%f", 0
pushPointerToTheSystemStack enterTheNumberString
call [printf]
add esp, 4 ;Cleaning up the system stack. When writing in assembly, there is no compiler to do that for you.
pushPointerToTheSystemStack n
pushPointerToTheSystemStack floatSign
call [scanf]
add esp, 8
topOfMyStack := 1
numberOfSolutions := 0
myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1)] := 0
While topOfMyStack > 0
howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard := myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1)]
i := 0
While i < howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
queens[i] := myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1) + i + 1]
i := i + 1
topOfMyStack := topOfMyStack - 1
If howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard = n
numberOfSolutions := numberOfSolutions + 1
i := 0
While i < n
integerSignFollowedBySpace <= "%d ", 0
'A' + i ;The compiler will store this into the variable "result"
pushIntegerToTheSystemStack result
call [putchar]
add esp, 4
queens[i] + 1
pushIntegerToTheSystemStack result
pushPointerToTheSystemStack integerSignFollowedBySpace
call [printf]
add esp, 8
i := i + 1
pushPointerToTheSystemStack newLineString
call [printf]
add esp, 4
rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd := n - 1
columnOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd := howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
While rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd > 0 | rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd = 0
isThereAQueenInTheSameRow := 0
i := 0
While i < howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
If queens[i] = rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd
isThereAQueenInTheSameRow := 1
i := i + 1
isThereAQueenOnTheSameGlavnaDijagonala := 0 ;Sorry, I don't know how to say "glavna dijagonala" and "sporedna dijagonala" in English, and I am not wasting my time looking that up.
i := 0
While i < howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
If queens[i] + i = rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd + columnOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd
isThereAQueenOnTheSameGlavnaDijagonala := 1
i := i + 1
isThereAQueenOnTheSameSporednaDijagonala := 0
i := 0
While i < howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
If queens[i] - i = rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd - columnOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd
isThereAQueenOnTheSameSporednaDijagonala := 1
i := i + 1
isThereAQueenOnTheSameDiagonal := isThereAQueenOnTheSameGlavnaDijagonala = 1 | isThereAQueenOnTheSameSporednaDijagonala = 1
If not(isThereAQueenInTheSameRow = 1) & not(isThereAQueenOnTheSameDiagonal = 1)
topOfMyStack := topOfMyStack + 1
myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1)] := howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard + 1
i := 0
While i < howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard
myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1) + i + 1] := queens[i]
i := i + 1
myStack[topOfMyStack * (n + 1) + howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard + 1] := rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd
rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd := rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd - 1
foundSolutionsString <= "Found %d solutions!", 10, 0
pushIntegerToTheSystemStack numberOfSolutions
pushPointerToTheSystemStack foundSolutionsString
call [printf]
add esp, 8
invoke system, _pause
invoke exit, 0
_pause db "PAUSE",0
newLineString db 10,0
section '.rdata' readable writable
result dd ?
n dd ?
myStack dd 1024 dup(?)
queens dd 16 dup(?)
topOfMyStack dd ?
i dd ?
numberOfSolutions dd ?
howManyQueensAreOnTheBoard dd ?
rowOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd dd ?
columnOfTheQueenWeAreAboutToAdd dd ?
isThereAQueenInTheSameRow dd ?
isThereAQueenOnTheSameGlavnaDijagonala dd ?
isThereAQueenOnTheSameSporednaDijagonala dd ?
isThereAQueenOnTheSameDiagonal dd ?
section '.idata' data readable import
library msvcrt,'msvcrt.dll'
import msvcrt,printf,'printf',system,'system',exit,'exit',scanf,'scanf',putchar,'putchar'
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Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
I've started a Reddit thread about the N Queens Puzzle in various programming languages: ... are_button
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- Joined: Tue Oct 27, 2015 3:46 pm
- Diet: Vegan
Re: Anyone here made their own programming language?
Recently, I implemented the Huffman Coding in my programming language:
While making that, I discovered three bugs in the compiler for my programming language and I fixed them.
While making that, I discovered three bugs in the compiler for my programming language and I fixed them.