teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 am
brimstoneSalad wrote:You, on the other hand, talk out of your ass and come to constant wrong conclusions such as believing the Earth is flat, believing bombs don't exist because you don't understand basic thermodynamics, etc.
Sure, but I admit when I get things wrong. You, on the other hand, as far as I know, have never admitted that you got things wrong.
After days and days of arguing to explain things to you, sometimes you admit it, sometimes it still takes months more.
Do you not understand how rude you are being by taking these absurd positions over and over, spamming them, and then expecting others to explain repeatedly why you are wrong and teach you things like basic physics?
It would be fine if that were a one time deal, where I show you how your thinking is flawed and you are more careful and considerate in the future -- but it is not. It is a pattern of disrespectful behavior and a fundamental failure to change your underlying mindset. If I waste time engaging on this matter and eventually convince you that you are wrong in your certitude and confidence in these supposed studies, you will turn around and embrace another absurd belief to bring back here, like a deranged cat catching and killing bird after bird to drop at the feet of a disgusted person. You never learn, and you will never learn. I don't know if this is due to your mental illness, or it's just a really terrible character flaw.
I don't care to discuss the gun issue, because it's not a big issue in terms of harm footprint in the world, and because you're just obnoxious to have any kind of conversation with. Anybody who spends any time conversing with you mourns the loss of his or her time doing so when he or she could be doing something more pleasurable like prying out his or her own fingernails with a rusty spoon.
This repeated behavior has made people not like you Teo. And I don't mean the "good" kind of not liking somebody as in that person ruffles feathers and asks difficult questions, I mean profound annoyance. You need to reflect on that and consider if you want to start doing some of your own legwork in figuring out why bad beliefs are bad -- leg work that MOST of us do ahead of time before we adopt a belief and start proselytizing on it.
There are plenty of things I have initially believed, only to be convinced otherwise with a cursory Google search without having to waste somebody else's time.
When I was younger, I probably did waste people's time with some bad beliefs, but then I learned to stop doing that.
If I am less wrong, it's because I put in the work Teo, not because I don't admit when I'm wrong.
Like I have told you many times, I'm also much more careful about talking on topics I don't know much about.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 am
OK, I've sent this e-mail to my economics professor:
Teo123 wrote:
Pozdrav, profesorice Crnjac-Milić!
Ovdje Teo Samaržija, bivši student FERIT-a. Ne znam sjećate li me se, pretpostavljam da ne. Dobio sam dvojku iz Ekonomike poduzeća.
Jedna stvar u vezi ekonomije nejasna mi je, i volio bih da mi je netko pojasni. Ako se cijena stočne hrane poveća, hoće li se i cijena mesa povećati? U marksističkoj ekonomiji i Adam Smithovoj ekonomiji, odgovor je očit: povećat će se. Te ekonomske teorije bazirane su na labour theory of value. Ali moderne ekonomske teorije kažu da je labour theory of value kriva. Pa što onda one kažu po tom pitanju? Meni to nije očito. Očito, na povećanje cijene proizvodnje u svom poduzeću ne smiješ odgovarati tako da povećaš cijenu proizvoda: ako staviš cijenu veću od tržišne (cijene koju određuje odnos ponude i potražnje), dodatno ćeš si smanjiti profite. Ali što se događa makroekonomski kada se svima koji nešto proizvode poveća cijena proizvodnje? Što se dogodi kad cijena proizvodnje nekog proizvoda skoči iznad tržišne cijene tog istog proizvoda? Prestaje li onda taj proizvod biti dostupan na tržištu? Ili ostaje dostupan, samo po većoj cijeni?
Meni se čini da to ima velike implikacije. Primjerice, imaju li smisla poljoprivredni poticaji kao pokušaj da se smanji cijena hrane (nauštrb, naravno, većih poreza)? Isto tako, ima li smisla za porast cijena kriviti porast minimalne plaće?
Unaprijed zahvaljujem na odgovoru!
Well done. Now just go back in time and do that before you asserted your position here.
At minimum, do that next time.
You can also find a lot of this information just on the web. The initial results I linked you do indicate clearly (by industry sources) that it does. So if reality is in disagreement with your theory, then you should at least re-evaluate and stop being so sure of yourself here before implying conspiracy theories like mainstream industry sources are lying about something so objectively verifiable.
In the least you need to do a better job of looking for concordance between different lines of evidence on things.
I don't know anything about the topic.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 am
brimstoneSalad wrote:The softness of science isn't just about what you assume the P value of things to be, it's in the underlying assumptions and the methodology.
Now it seems to me that you are shifting the goals post-hoc.
Your seeming is incorrect. You should re-read what I've said on soft sciences in the past.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 am
brimstoneSalad wrote:Cognitive or political biases of the people answering, lying in the responses because people want to represent guns favorably or feel pressure to answer with a story of their own, Incompetence or fraud on the part of the surveyors. Maybe all of these.
That's not an explanation of any kind. That's somewhere between not-even-wrong and word salad.
That you choose not to understand what I'm saying is not indication of it not being reasonable. You are executing your patterns of bed behavior here.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 ambrimstoneSalad wrote:rules based international order that helps dissuade aggressor states from trying to conquer others by force
Well, maybe guns can help with that. There is a reason why Hitler didn't even try to conquer Switzerland: he was afraid of armed civilians.
I have no problem considering there may be benefits to gun ownership. I have a problem with the "studies" you're promoting.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 ambrimstoneSalad wrote:And I have a strong opinion on not promoting garbage that indirectly supports bad actors in politics who support dictators.
If the implication here is that I support Donald Trump, then... You don't even deserve a response.
Well you're sure helping conservatives when you echo bad science that supports their world views.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 ambrimstoneSalad wrote:My point is confounding variables and the lack of evidence by expressing alternative explanations so stop misrepresenting me.
Umm... Re-read what you wrote 6 months ago. You literally claimed that mass shooters tend to have sociopathic and suicidal tendencies.
I don't think most of them are suicidal, but most are indicating sociopathic behavior pretty much by definition. If you shoot up a school, you are not empathizing very well are you?
The populations are obviously too small, and being mostly dead, it's hard to fulfill diagnostic criteria for anything.
I don't know what this has to do with anything, and I don't care. I'm not interested in discussing this with you. It's stupid and you have no good evidence, you're just promoting conservative bullshit.
Liberals are frequently wrong or overstate evidence against guns, but you're not helping by doing it from the other side.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 ambrimstoneSalad wrote:Spending more time on it won't fix that.
Sorry, but, in order to refute a scientific theory, you need to have a deep understanding of it.
Only really to the extent it's scientific. This is very soft science if at all.
But if you think that, then you do that. Read the study, and make an argument against it. You'll find that once you try to it will be very easy.
Self defense arguments are very weak. National defense arguments much more plausible, but are best supported by organized militias.
teo123 wrote: ↑Fri Aug 16, 2024 6:19 am
brimstoneSalad wrote:Your interest in defending guns seems to stem from the same place as your interest in believing the Earth was flat, and it's accompanied by a similar effort to make claims of science.
Sorry, I don't see the connection. Being pro-gun is the mainstream social science, after all, Gary Kleck is one of the most influential sociologists of the late 20th century. Flat-Earthism hasn't been mainstream science for 2 millennia. Pro-gun position appears to be supported by mathematics: Gary-Kleck-like studies, the evidence that telescoping is unlikely to have a significant effect on them... Flat-Earthism is pretty much the rejection of mathematics.
It's a soft science area that's highly politicized: your conclusion from such a domain should have approximately no confidence whatsoever. There's no reason either side should assume to have good numbers on these things. You've stumbled into this position with the utmost confidence taking to heart a transparently absurd conclusion to anybody without an incredibly strong political bias.
Anti-gun-control is not a populist position, it's a core conservative position which has been made stronger by opposition from liberals.
The only thing that makes sense practically is to avoid the issue until the political tensions cool enough to allow for good science.