There's an expression that should be heeded carefully:
We should be open minded, but not so open minded that our brains fall out.
Kamitis is an extreme in not heeding this quote.
And he flaunts his "agnosticism" to science as if it were wisdom- while it is quite the opposite of wisdom.
Denying scientific fact, and pretending that we don't know things that we do know (things we have taken pains, for centuries, to build upon and discover) is the height of ignorant arrogance, and it's insulting to what humanity has accomplished.
kamitis wrote:
I am not saying and don't think that water have memory but i am very open to opposite side arguments and research them.
And you're not saying that you think the Earth is flat, but you're very open to opposite side arguments and research on that.
And you're not saying that you think Jesus rode dinosaurs, but you're very open to opposite side arguments and research on that.
And you're not saying that you think Santa-clause can travel faster than the speed of light and see you when you're sleeping, but you're very open to opposite side arguments and research on that.
What you're really saying is that you're an idiot who can't understand that some things are so far from credible, we don't need to go around discussing them as if they are real possibilities- because they aren't.
And you don't understand that some things are do ridiculous, they deserve nothing short of ridicule.
kamitis wrote:
I am saying things how we see animals is changing, how we see plants is changing, how we see everything is changing.
You're saying you don't understand the concept of science, that's what you're saying.
Science doesn't change in the way you think it does. Experiments done a hundred years ago are still valid today.
Science becomes more precise.
Newton wasn't wrong with his laws of motion. Einstein didn't come around and undermine any of Newton's experiments- Newton was and still is right about how matter and energy works within the bounds of his margins of error and reference frame. Einstein didn't undo any of that. He opened up something else entirely.
Conservation of momentum is STILL true.
Your ignorance of how science works is so profound, I don't even know how to dumb this down enough for you to understand it.
There are things that we understand to be false because it has been demonstrated to be so. There are also things that we understand to be necessarily false based on very well established theory- like evolutionary process- which has been overwhelmingly proved.
These things have not been undermined, are not being undermined, and will not be undermined by quacks doing pseudoscience in their basements.
kamitis wrote:
There is good chance that water can't hold any memory,
No, there is not just "a good chance". It can not. Plain and simple. This is not some great and unknown question in science. Water is VERY well understood.
That's like saying "There's a good chance that 1+1=2, but some day we might find out that it doesn't! Be open minded!"
But seeing as how big of a mindless idiot you are, you probably even think you
should be open minded about 1+1 not equaling 2. So, even the most obvious analogies will probably not work on you.
Being obtuse to that degree makes you represent the height of closed-mindedness (fundamentally closed to knowledge of any meaningful kind), not open-mindedness.
kamitis wrote:
there is good chance plants behave very automatic and there is some chance water can hold information, there is chance that plants don't behave fully automatic.
No, no, no and no.
This has nothing to do with chance.
There's a good chance that your mother dropped you on your head as a baby. But these things- no - there is no chance that the entirety of physics and chemistry is fundamentally wrong. There is no chance that evolution is fundamentally wrong.
kamitis wrote:
Thing what i am saying theses things is not absolute and there is coming out researches what challenge theses ideas, some very weak and some stronger, and we should not just ignore them to keep ourselves in comfort zone where you listen just your believes supporters and single definition of plant perception. I mean you are simply ignoring opposite side work and researches.
That's where you're wrong. There is no such research.
Nothing is "coming out". There is no evidence, not weak, and not strong. NONE.
There is pseudoscience. Pseudoscience is not a type of science. It does not provide evidence, and it does not do research. It makes conjecture and produces propaganda.
Learn the difference.
kamitis wrote:
I already seen your wiki pages and understand today view on plants/water.
No, you clearly do not.
It's not just a "view". It has nothing to do with how people in general see the things. It's how they actually are, as understood by science you obviously know nothing about and are loathe to show even an iota of respect for.
Read those articles. Don't just "see" them.
kamitis wrote:
But main point is that it today view is not in any way absolute and can be challenged and over time can be changed with enough evidence, if enough evidence never come it will stay same.
You're breaking the Idiot-meter. You need to buy me a new Idiot-meter.
You have no concept of science. That's not remotely how things work.
kamitis wrote:
Not sure if using word "intelligent" in this discussion is right way to go. It seem we don't understand with it same thing.
It's not correct to use "intelligent" with regards to plants in ANY discussion, or any video, or article, or documentary.
That's called
bad journalism. It's called journalists not understanding anything about science, and just looking for sensationalist headlines. It's much less interesting to be honest, and say "plants react to some kinds of common environmental stimuli". It doesn't sell papers.
kamitis wrote:I don't care as long as i am open to opposite side and don't take any side as absolute true and not changeable while you go nuts over someone saying that opposite side might be true.
Then you clearly have no interest in critical thinking or science, since you're happy to give pseudoscience equal weight.
The reason I'm calling you out for being an idiot is because the "other side" is not science, and does not even resemble science to anybody who has taken time to examine the claims.
Some disagreements DON'T have two sides to weigh. Sometimes people are just stark raving mad.
It's often said, that if Republicans decided one day that the Earth was flat, journalists wouldn't report the real news "Republicans think the Earth is flat", instead they'd say "Congress can't decide what shape the Earth is".
Giving the unreasonable opposition equal time and coverage is a kind of journalistic bias. It's an attempt to be "fair" taken to an irrational extreme.
kamitis wrote:seem you think science should not be questioned and tested, challenged and changed with enough evidence. We should never try violate/change/test today science view?
Not by you. YOU shouldn't, because you're an idiot, and not qualified to understand the
concept of testing something, or the barest principles of scientific methodology. So are all of these people advocating plant intelligence and water memory- every. single. one.
Your brain fell out completely a long time ago.
Should we spend millions of dollars every year testing again and again to make sure the Earth isn't flat? Do you think that's a good use of our resources as a civilization? Do you think that's a good thing to cover in the media, every time some crackpot claims the Earth is flat? Should we test and re-test every time somebody disagrees about the shape of the Earth?
Really, screw cancer research- who needs that right? We should be continually testing to see if the Earth is flat, non-stop, for the rest of human civilization. An annual budget should be delegated to these important matters!
Come on. Can you stop being a complete idiot for a few seconds and use some critical faculties?
There are REAL questions in science. Dark matter, finding new treatments for Cancer, preventing ageing, Quantum computing, Stem Cell therapy, Improved agricultural yields to end world hunger.
Then there are the things ONLY crackpots
think are questions, but were actually solved a long time ago. The shape of the Earth, Plant "intelligence". Water memory. Psychic powers.
These things have been investigated. They have been solved. They have been proved to the limits of empirical methodology. They have been proved to the limits of theory, and logic.
Topic addressed. Money spent. DONE.
And FUCK YOU if you think we should waste MORE money and time on this kind of bullshit that has been solved for decades if not hundreds of years when there are still REAL problems in the world.