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Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:34 am
by Jebus
Your_Construct wrote: Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:17 amI am a conspiracy theorist so I believe our political system is nothing more than a facade. I believe the President of the United States is directly controlled by the man who controls the banking system, so it doesn't matter who the President actually is. I do not concern myself with politics
That's not what I asked, but ok. . .

Don't you think some US presidents have done a better job with the environment than others? Wouldn't it be a good thing if the US rejoined the Paris agreement?

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 8:27 am
by Your_Construct
Hi Jebus,

I actually don't pay attention to politics, I tune it out. I hear "Trump" on the news or in conversation, I tune it out. I know basic stuff, apparently he has Corona virus at the moment. And since I'm a conspiracy theorist, I believe he's acting. I honestly cannot gauge how well supported he is in Wisconsin. I'm sure I've seen stickers or signs for Trump here and there. I don't know which Presidents have done a better job at protecting the environment. I haven't looked into it. I don't know the specific terms or conditions of the Paris Agreement, but I'm certain some group of people is getting exploited.

Best Regards,
Your Construct

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2020 11:57 pm
by brimstoneSalad
While many important problems are the same for Democrats and Republicans, there are certainly differences in harm. I suggest you research this.
Do you believe that there's no reason to reduce the harm in the world if we can't make things perfect?

I'm also wondering how far this goes. As a conspiracy theorist, do you believe in things like flat-earth and the earth being run by reptilians? That would be very unusual for somebody in STEM.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:29 am
by Your_Construct
Flat earth and the world being run by reptilians is just down right silly. However, the world being controlled by a single man through the banking system; now that's believable.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:50 am
by Unknownfromheaven
Hello, Your_Construct and welcome.

Today, it's really sensitive to say one is a conspiracy theorist because of the people who fall for Flat Earth and are also against vaccines... these are the same people who are also very religious. I'm glad you made it clear, as some conspiracies have proof, things can happen, because different people can have different beliefs or desires. It's not absurd in the slightest that the same people could infiltrate in the system to achieve their goals.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:11 am
by brimstoneSalad
Your_Construct wrote: Tue Oct 06, 2020 9:29 am Flat earth and the world being run by reptilians is just down right silly. However, the world being controlled by a single man through the banking system; now that's believable.
How are these any different in terms of plausibility?

In fact, reptilians are far more plausible because their technology explains how the conspiracy can be maintained -- otherwise conspiracies of human beings are unstable and essentially mathematically impossible at any meaningful scale.

Read: ... mpossible/

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 5:14 am
by Unknownfromheaven
How are these any different in terms of plausibility?

An interview - the footage of them worshipping a big owl displayed at some point can also be found in HD here - between 0:52 and 1:10 ... =emb_title

Check the members reaction, It is not irrational to believe that there are people with irrational beliefs, who have a sort of power and that the same people could be in high places. I agree that the only thing that is irrational is their beliefs... but there were at least many secret societies like Skull & Bones (where Bush actually gave up information in many silly ways - "It's so secret that we can't talk about it"), Scroll & Key, etc

Here we can look at some old examples - ... ts-templar

There is plenty of information on the web at least (some libraries have books on this topic) that prove this is a reality, videos, documentation... but is a waste of time for one who doesn't have an interest, I was very curious to explore a lot of odd things when I was younger, I wanted to know things and I had to stop somewhere because the more you dive into some things, the more the chances to lose your mind.

I cannot dismiss the existence of an extraterrestrial reptoid species but I cannot accept it either until solid evidence can be provided for this claim, most of the "evidence" I found from the people who claim they have, are either edited footage or they have bad quality sources which checked in other parts (better sources for the same video), don't show what they imply. I went through it quickly.

So the final point is this... people have irrational beliefs, some of them can be presidents, or other important roles in the current society, If there are groups of people who believe the same things in the same fashion religions exist, and share common ideas or goals, is plausible and observable.

Reptiles with technology on the moon controlling a flat earth, cannot and will never be plausible.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:15 pm
by brimstoneSalad
@Unknownfromheaven It's common knowledge that politicians have irrational beliefs, the problem is believing in a large scale conspiracy where one person controls all of the banks and all of the politicians across parties. See the link I provided on the mathematical impossibility of such conspiracies.

In order to maintain a conspiracy and control people like that you need some kind of supernatural force or technology beyond what we have today.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:11 pm
by Unknownfromheaven
brimstoneSalad wrote: Wed Oct 07, 2020 2:15 pm @one person controls all of the banks and all of the politicians across parties. See the link I provided on the mathematical impossibility of such conspiracies.

In order to maintain a conspiracy and control people like that you need some kind of supernatural force or technology beyond what we have today.
That's the thing I was thinking because I don't believe it's only one man, but a group of some kind, and it's proven in our history that the system was built on pyramidal relations, network operators and many companies today run on that very basis, where also we can observe nepotism and favors through specific relations and this is damaging our society as a lot of people of good quality and very competent can sometimes lose in specific domains because of this issue.

Sure thing, I will check the link, it seems a legit source for this.

Re: Introducing Myself

Posted: Wed Oct 07, 2020 4:14 pm
by Unknownfromheaven
Very good article.