Re: Can This Even Be Argued With?
Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 7:50 pm
I'm going to address this diatribe before I move to what will likely be my final point unless we keep arguing this one:brimstoneSalad wrote: In the same sense, the human blood on your hands for each steak you eat can also be calculated.
This isn't some abstract agent acting outside of the bounds of your control. It's your choice to drive rather than take public transit or bike, and it's your choice to eat meat rather than plants. You make these choices for convenience and personal pleasure, and the consequence is that there is blood on your hands for doing it.
If you in any way consider human death and suffering a bad thing, you have to acknowledge that, all other things being equal, a person who for purposes of pleasuring and convenience his or herself consumes more fossil fuels and eats more meat is a worse person based on a value system as described.
Third, your pleasure, in exchange for the suffering and death of other human beings. If you think that's a good trade in principle, then you're a bad person, indulging in the same excuse a pedophile may use to cause suffering to children to get his orgasm on.
Anybody can arbitrarily rank the importance of their own personal pleasure as infinitely more important than anybody else's suffering; any "moral" system that permits that is inherently broken -- it is not a true system at all, because in order to be a system it must restrict actions to consistency within its parameters, if those parameters are infinite, arbitrary, or undefined that simply does not work.
It's not a good thing to harm others to gratify yourself -- you won't understand that concept, though, it's a little too high level for you.
So, I'll dumb it down even more and grant the moronic assumption that a hedonistic prerogative has positive moral value:
What you're doing is much worse and even more irrational than just that, because you're completely ignoring the fact that you could get pleasure doing something else entirely, and causing much less harm.
Let's do a thought experiment in attempt to make you less ignorant (which I expect won't work, but I have to try):
There are two cakes, equally available, accessible, edible, etc. (every pragmatic consideration)
Cake A and cake B are also equally delicious and pleasurable to eat in every way. (every hedonistic one)
Cake A is attached to a pressure mechanism, such that when you lift it to take it, it will kill a million children. (assume this is not a good thing)
Cake B is not attached to any such mechanism, and will harm nobody.
You can choose to take one cake, the other will be destroyed (and any pressure mechanisms diffused without triggering if they have not already been triggered by your choice of cake).
You estimate, in your perversely inflated sense of self-importance, that the pleasure you will receive from eating one of the cakes is greater than the minor misfortune of killing a million children.
Which cake should you eat?
According to your twisted sense of reasoning and mathematical incompetence, it doesn't matter, since your pleasure exceeds the wrong of killing the million children, so cake A and B would both be fine (in both cases, according to you, you are doing a GOOD thing by eating the cake and pleasuring yourself, so whichever you elect you are a clearly a cake eating saint).
Anybody with half a brain and the capability to reason, however, can understand that given the option, eating cake A would be WRONG because cake B will provide the same pleasure while harming nobody (so overall, much greater good).
Can you understand even that basic concept?
If not, you're probably completely hopeless.
You are still, STILL, basing your assumption that I am a bad person and that my actions are bad that what you think are "good" and "bad" are statements of fact. As in, what you believe is "bad" IS, factually speaking, "bad". You claim I don't understand that it's bad, but that isn't true - I object to the very idea that anything is objectively "bad" or "good". It is all in the mind of whomever assigns those values. Good and bad are only defined within your mind. If I don't think something is bad, on what grounds do you have to say I'm wrong other than your own moral compass, which is as arbitrary as mine? Because there isn't one.
You overrate consistency - there is nothing consistent about the arbitrary. Consistent moral theories are all well and good, but since they too are based on arbitrary axioms they have no more objective value than any other non-consistent moral compass.
So is it bad to harm others to pleasure oneself? Well, from your point of view yes. From the view of a sociopath he has no empathy for human suffering, so he doesn't really see such events as negative, and won't care. For him, it isn't bad. You can sit there and tell him it's bad all you want, his mind tells him otherwise and you won't get him to care. And as for me? Well as you point out below I do in fact have a "double standard" as it were, as in I'm willing to accept any environmental damage that cannot be mitigated from the meat industry if it means people get to eat meat. And I know most people, even the ones who houses, as you say, might be washed away, would agree. They eat it too. The last thing on anyone's agenda to stop climate change is going to be getting rid of the meat industry. Argument from majority is a fallacy, but I'm simply pointing out that this "hypocrisy" is widespread, mostly unconsciously. The idea of not eating meat to most of the world is utterly baffling and they won't do it. It doesn't matter if you don't think it makes sense.
I already admitted above my hypocrisy on this point. Yes, not eating meat would help the environment. I don't care. So if you want to put it that way, YES, I VALUE EATING MEAT MORE THAN PEOPLE WHO MAY/WILL BE KILLED AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS. You see this as bad, I'm am perfectly fine with it. Hypocritical given that I generally value human life? Selective? Yes, affirmative, roger roger. Own it, love it. Not ashamed at all.Don't worry about what other people do, that's not your responsibility. You are responsible for YOUR actions. You could stop eating meat now, today, if you gave a shit about other human beings. But you don't.OneQuestion wrote: We want meat - and no amount of environmental damage is going to stop us from getting it.
Why should it? You don't care.OneQuestion wrote: Could it clean up it's act sometimes? Yeah, it could, and should.
If you did, you'd stop eating it now, and then pick back up eating it only if and when it "cleaned up its act". A lot of vegans are actually in that position, boycotting animal products until there's a way to produce them ethically. That's how economics work. Unless you make that kind of commitment, you're fully responsible for all of the harm you're doing to get your jollies (when you know FULL WELL you could easily get jollies doing something much less destructive, which I ALSO mentioned in my first post and that you ignored).
Hurr durr, and it's perfectly possible to wage war with teleportation guns that upload the enemy soldier into a computer matrix internment camp with the luxuries of a five star hotel to wait for the war to be over instead of killing them.OneQuestion wrote:It is perfectly possible to raise livestock without damaging the environment in any unmanagable way.
Therefore war is good and we should support it and not feel guilty about killing people!? YAY!!!?
What kind of moronic argument is that supposed to be, exactly?
This is one of the stupidest things I've seen on the internet, congratulations.
Speculating on some bizarre science fictional future technology or infrastructure that doesn't currently exist in no way changes the current situation, or your culpability for the harm done by the current system which you wholeheartedly support.
You missed the point. I will school you on this later, assuming you can prove you have enough functioning brain cells to understand everything above, and the honesty to admit your mistakes.OneQuestion wrote:Game theory has nothing to do with moral axioms. "Win-win" behaviour is only objectively good if we agree on what a "win" is.
You don't understand what you're talking about. As I said, if you prove you can understand what I have already explained and have the honesty to admit your mistakes, we can move onto this topic, and those like it.OneQuestion wrote:I know exactly what Nihilism is [...]
I repeat, it's not just "possible", that's incredibly ignorant.OneQuestion wrote:I guess I should have addressed the environmental argument for veganism, but the fact is that the world itself proves most people are willing to accept possible environmental damage if it means they get to eat meat.
Also, it's irrelevant what the world does. Stop worrying about what other people are doing beyond your control. Whether or not YOU are a good person is about what YOU choose to do.
The world might fuck itself anyway, but what you can do is choose whether or not you're going to be one of the dicks.
Then don't. Help invent the magnificent technology that will produce green meat. And go vegan until it's ready to start churning out sustainable meat.OneQuestion wrote:We don't NEED to damage the environment to do so,
I have already covered this. Something you don't seem to grasp is that the people who are suffering the consequences are not the ones eating the vast majority of the meat.OneQuestion wrote:but the point is that just because the industry does cause some environmental damage does not mean that people would be better off going vegan - because they value eating meat as well, very much so in fact.
It's not one person going "Oh no, it is le hot. But oh the meat is yummy, so it's worth having to walk across the room and turn on the air conditioning."
It's one person going "Oh god fuck no my house is gone and I'm drowning in this flood, and starving from the fall of local government and agricultural infrastructure, and dying of cholera, who is doing this?"
And another person going "Oh meat is yummy, crank up the AC, change the channel the news is depressing."
You're the latter fucker.
The only consequences rich apathetic fuckers like you will probably see will be economic, where stuff gets a bit more expensive but you can still afford it. You might have to live in a smaller house, because real-estate will go a little crazy. Also, you won't be able to travel, since the borders to a lot of countries will be closed. It may actually get pretty shitty (like World War shortages shitty), but otherwise, you'll just change the channel and ignore billions of people suffering and dying the in developing countries and the third world.
But that's OK, because who cares about poor brown people. Certainly not you, you have better things to worry about like complaining about these fucking vegans trying to make you feel bad for eating steak just because it's killing stupid poor brown people. Man, what a drag.
Whatever, you don't care, and that's your ultimate checkmate "you can't argue with this" rebuttal.
Trying to find consistency in things that are arbitrary like morality is a fruitless exercise.