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New Here

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:14 am
by theuproar
Just introducing myself, as requested during sign-up.

I first got into vegetarianism/veganism in the 90s after going to an Earth Crisis show in Austin, TX. I went to the show an omnivore and left a vegetarian. I was then vegetarian or vegan for the next 10ish years, and began to reintroduce meat into my diet after finding some philosophical contradictions in my reasoning for being vegan. I couldn't justify it in the same youthful way that I used to, and as a very, very competitive athlete, I felt like an omnivorous diet was more conducive to athletic success.

The desire to cut out meat from my diet never fully left me, though, and I periodically returned to it over the years. Recently, I have recommitted myself to a plant-based diet. Although I have not completely cut out meat and dairy, I eat so little that I'm fairly comfortable calling myself at least a vegetarian, but I suppose I'm technically a reduceatarian. I don't hold any one ideology or diet sacred. Avoiding meat is just what feels good to me and my body responds well to it. And hopefully, of course, I'm playing a small part in reducing harm to animals.

Re: New Here

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:17 am
by Red
Hello theuproar! I think we'd like to discuss this with you. Feel free to make a thread about this!

Re: New Here

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2020 11:45 pm
by brimstoneSalad
Welcome! What were the philosophical contradictions that troubled you?