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What if we had let Covid run free without lockdowns?

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 11:52 pm
by Jebus
What if, instead of lockdowns and closed businesses, we just took the following steps:

Isolate the high risk populations.

Wear two masks.

Avoid unnecessary touching (like handshakes).

With these measures, the spread could be slowed down enough to not put too much of a strain on the health care infrastructure. Obviously millions more would die but these are mostly people who would be dead soon anyway. Also, given that most people have themselves to blame from dying from Covid, i.e. not practicing social distancing, and not taking care of their health, are lockdowns fare to all those who do those things?

Please note that I am undecided on this issue.

Re: What if we had let Covid run free without lockdowns?

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2021 3:09 pm
by Jamie in Chile
these are difficult subjective judgments but I think no better to save more lives