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New to Forum

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2022 2:19 pm
by SpiritualAnarchist
I am joining because I am both a Vegan and I am a Philosopher. I have a serious and passionate interest in the meaning of life and compassion for all living beings. I find the current trend of politicization of every important question that reduces everything into Cultural Wars as both exhausting and counterproductive. And I feel that the marginalization of Philosophy as only serving the purpose of reducing all deeper questions to ethical considerations or Moral Philosophy as a detriment to the progress of civilization.

I found this forum while researching the Demarcation problem looking for discussions on why Pseudoscience is a well-researched topic with many papers and articles addressing the Demarcation problem between Science and Religion but little or no real has been done to address the problem of Pseudo-Philosophy or the Demarcation problem caused by Theology,

I could go into more detail in how this manifest in Epistemology where the most commonly accepted definitions of Knowledge define Knowledge as type of Belief of or subset of Belief Systems, but I will leave that for further discussion.

Re: New to Forum

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2022 8:03 am
by Red
Hey SpiritualAnarchist, sorry for the belated reply. What inspired you to go vegan and become interested in philosophical matters?

I agree that increasing politicizing things is often counterproductive.

Hope to see more from you!