I can see you have good taste in anime
FMAB is one of my favourite - if not my favourite - anime.
Did you draw that picture yourself?
I remember a similar thread, but it's really old, and new members have most likely missed it.
We pretty much make people tell us how/why they went vegan in their introduction post
Since I was a kid, I've always tought that eating animals was wrong.
How could I care for my dog, but not for pigs? How could I think of myself as an animal lover by eating them?
Why not just eat plants?
My father and my entire family was really against it (except my mother). And I wasn't really aware of things at that age.
They were saying things like 'it's the circle of life', 'it's nature', 'you don't grow muscles', 'you need meat to grow like you should', or just laugh. It's pretty pathetic that even the doctor said that I should've gone vegetarian only after being completely grown.
But hey, when it comes to nutrition, most doctors are completely ignorant. I've met so many idiots in the medical community who know nothing about nutrition, but still feel competent enough to give the wrong advice.
One day, when I was in India with my parents (travelling for work), we sat in a restaurant to order food.
You could choose live lobsters from the acquarium, and they'd cook them for you - I was already disgusted at that idea.
But when we ordered some of them, and I saw the same lobsters I saw alive before, dead in my plate, that was the final straw.
I didn't care for what my family said. I went vegetarian overnight, and never touched a piece of meat again (except the rare casual occasion where people 'accidentally' put a piece of meat in my plate).
Fortunately, my mother was really supportive, and I convinced her to go vegetarian with me.
So, I went vegetarian at 10.
I've been hearing the word 'vegan' here and there, but never really cared - I tought it was for some other reason, nothing related to ethics.
Then, one day, while I was talking with a friend at a dinner table with his family, his father said (he wasn't vegan): 'if you do it for moral reasons, then you should be vegan'. I asked why, and he roughly explained me.
So, I looked it up. I came accross TVA's channel, and I watched some lectures and presentations (Earthlings, Gary Yourofsky's speech, etc.). Before that, I didn't know how dairy and eggs would get to my plate, and I didn't know what consequences it was having.
So, I went vegan immediatly, after a day of research - with my mother following me (I was 17).
It's probably the moment where I felt the most dumb in my life. 7 years, and I didn't think about any of that? How was that possible?
I hated myself for that.
That's pretty much it. The story came longer than I expected.